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Folklorico Leaders Share Their Secrets to Folkloric Success

Folklorico Leaders Share Their Secrets to Folkloric Success

While Folkicks finds passion and purpose in supplying you with...
by Samantha Geris on November 19, 2021

Dia de Los Muertos: Folklorico Style

’Tis the season of pumpkins, Coco, and our Folkicks-favorite holiday… Día de Los Muertos! 

All year round, we pour our efforts into celebrating Folklórico and maintaining the traditions that our Mexican ancestors have created. We study what they did, how they did it, and perfect their craft to the best of our ability. 

by Samantha Geris on October 14, 2021
Folklorico Shoes simplified

Folklorico Shoes: Simplified

While Folklorico might be known as “Mexican Folk Dancing,” there...
by Samantha Geris on October 06, 2021
Where do Folkicks Come From?

Where do Folkicks Come From?

So, you’re looking for dance shoes—not just any dance shoes, but Folklorico dance shoes. You might even know which brands you like, but when you search online, all you find are sketchy and outdated websites that you don’t really trust. On top of that, any shoes you do find take about 3-4 weeks to ship out from Mexico.

by Samantha Geris on September 22, 2021
La Opinion: Zapatos para bailar folclore lo acercan a su cultura

La Opinion: Zapatos para bailar folclore lo acercan a su cultura

Con su negocio en línea, Millenial latino continúa la tradición de los bailes mexicanos.

by Rafael Valero on September 13, 2021


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